Gallery - Ridgely's Auction Service
Explore our Gallery page to view a curated selection of images showcasing our atmosphere and unique items from our monthly consignment auctions and estate sales. At Ridgely's Auction Service, we pride ourselves on highlighting the distinctive treasures that come through our auction house, reflecting the diverse offerings available to our community.
Our gallery features a range of photographs capturing the excitement and variety of merchandise found at Ridgely's Auction Service. You will see images from our monthly consignment auctions, showcasing everything from household goods to collectibles, antiques, and unique finds that our bidders have successfully taken home. Additionally, we include snapshots from our offsite sales in New Jersey, where you can find valuable farm equipment, tools, lawn mowers, and more. Each image tells a story, providing a glimpse into the dynamic world of auctions and the treasures waiting to be discovered. Whether you're a seasoned bidder or new to the auction scene, our gallery offers a visual representation of the quality and diversity of items available, reinforcing why Ridgely's is the trusted choice for local auctions in Delaware. We believe every item has a story, and through our gallery, we invite you to connect with these stories and the community that surrounds them.

Ready to Join Us?
Contact us today for more information about selling your estate/property, upcoming auctions or to schedule an appraisal.